And we’re continuing with our “this week in fake devices” series. Today we’re dealing with Chinese “versions” of designer phones, which usually cost a small fortune. Without further ado, here are the contenders:
* Motorola (NYSE: MOT) Gucci phone - an attempt to merge Moto Aura with the famous designer produced a fugly device.
* Christian Dior - on the first glance this clone looks like one of hi-tech Japanese clamshell phones, but the specs aren’t there.
* VERTUFK9 - fake Rolex phone, which borrows some lines from Nokia (NYSE: NOK)’s Vertu handsets.
* VERTUA16 - all-touchscreen Vertu phone? I don’t think so. If there is such thing, we would be all over it.
* New Mobiado phone? - Nah, it’s just a poor attempt to make something similar. High-end precious materials are not there, and the same goes for quality.
When it comes to fake devices “keeping your enemy closer” doesn’t work. Grab the real thing, instead.
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